Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Parking CCTV car causing Chaos

Cllr Andrew Mann, the Residents Associations spokesman for the Environment has hit out this week over the tactics being used by Havering Council in deploying its two CCTV parking enforcement cars.

Cllr Mann has met with Dave Fuller, the owner of B & D Tyres in Collier Row after the company which has been based in Collier Row for over 35 years feels it is being targeted by the Council along with other shops and businesses in the small parade in Collier Row Road.

Over 12 months ago, Cllr Mann warned about the possible future use of the covert cars and felt at the time they were introduced, caution should be taken and also warned that they should not be used as an income generator for the Council.

In a Town Hall press release dated 20/03/07, Conservative Cabinet Member Cllr Barry Tebbutt said “I have no problem with this car being used to target indiscriminate parking around schools and pedestrian crossings which poses a real danger to our children”. However, it would seem that this is not the case as there is no school or crossing near to these shops.

The issue has now intensified following the decision by Romford car parts firm “Motex” refusing to delivery to garages across the borough unless they can guarantee off street parking following their vehicles receiving a huge amount of parking tickets.

Dave Fuller of B & D tyres said “This is just daylight robbery, we get this CCTV car here at least 2 or 3 times a day hitting on customers and delivery vehicles and its just not on”.

Cllr Mann said, “Whilst at the garage this week, I witnessed one of the delivery vehicles drop off some parts, it pulled up and was no longer than 3 minutes, I do not consider that to be an unreasonable amount of time to allow deliveries to be made, to issue tickets in this way does indeed to be picking on the little people”

He continues, “Whilst I chaired the Collier Row Regeneration Committee, we spent a lot of time and money in trying to improve the shopping experience in our Town Centre, the provision of parking restrictions is always going to be difficult, but it appears that this particular parade of shops is being picked on”, he went on "Along with car park charges in our town centres, this is yet more proof this Administration has no sympathy for small businesses”. "While they are wasting time targeting this parade, other parts of the Borough - particularly outside schools - are being neglected"

Cllr Mann has also announced that the Residents Association will be asking questions and conducting there own review within the Town Hall on this issue and would like anyone who owns a shop or business that feels that they are being targeted to contact him at the Town Hall. The same applies to residents that may have been hit with a penalty, if it has been issued unduly, the Residents Association want to know about it.

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