Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Bus Stop Improvements

I had a meeting tonight with the Chairman of the North Romford Area Committee and Havering Councils Technical Services Manager concerning improvements to bus stops in Havering Road.

The improvements are funded by Transport for London and basically do just that, they improve access to the disabled and elderly and for parents with prams, they also improve the paving and crossing points to make them safer.

The plans have already been agreed in principal and all residents that were affected have been notified, the meeting was to iron out any final issues and to make sure that the Council took on board all of the points that have been raised by residents.


Anonymous said...

Whilst I applaud the idea of trying to improve acces at bus stops there is a problem that the bus stop in Cornell Way is located so that alighting passengers have an uncomfortably large step as the alighting point is at a dropped kerb to allow vehicle crossing.
There really needs to be consistency to gain confidence for passengers to use these services.

Cllr Andy Mann said...

Thank you for your comments, as there is more than one bus stop in Cornell Way, perhaps you could contact me direct and i will take up your issues for you.