Monday, March 09, 2009

The Friends of Bedfords Park

Cllr Andy Mann, invited Lois Amos, of the Friends of Bedfords Park to write for our Web Site on the activities that the group have been taking part in.

Our Group

The Friends of Bedfords Park, originally formed 4 years ago, are a group of energetic volunteers of all ages. We carry out conservation and practical tasks within Bedfords Park and meet on the 2nd Sunday of the month.

The Park is situated in a Conservation Area which is of Metropolitan Importance for Biodiversity, and is duly being considered for registration as a Local Nature Reserve. The habitats and environs provide many opportunities for varied work and over the last few years we have worked in the woodland, meadows, and grasslands and ponds and lakes. We meet at 9.30-45, beginning work at Most of us stay all day, but we appreciate any help and would love to have new members. We have formal meetings every two months.

Flower Power!

We also help arrange events to promote the park and our Group have decided this year to focus on the plants in the Park as we feel that the wonderful native plants sometimes get overlooked. So much wildlife depends on the natural flora beneath our feet.

A joint event between the Essex Wildlife Trust has been arranged for Easter Sunday, the 12th April, when there will be a guided spring plant and flower walk. On June 28th from 2.00pm- 4.00pm we will have another interesting floral walk with local expert botanist Mary Smith, who will help us all recognise the fascinating plants that grow in the meadows and woodland. ( Suggested donation of £6 and must be booked)

The Georgian Walled Garden

The Friends Group, in partnership with the London Borough of Havering and hopefully the Essex Wildlife Trust, are applying for a Local Food Grant of £300,000 to resurrect the fabulous Georgian Walled Garden and create a community and social growing project. The feasibility study has been completed and we are working on our bid. The Walled Kitchen Garden Project will provide a large number of volunteer opportunities to get involved in growing fresh vegetables, fruit and flowers.

So you can see we are literally a growing Group and would love you to visit us on a workday or event. If you are interested please contact Lois and Bill Amos on 01708 704619. Or more information is available on our web site at:-

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