Tuesday, April 01, 2008

CCTV Car - Top 20 Schools

Cllr Mann has hit out at the Conservative Administration over the amount of tickets the CCTV car has been issuing, in less than 9 months the total is now up to 21,000, however the most disturbing reading was the breakdown of how many tickets have been issued around schools in that time.

In a recent question at Full Council, Cllr Mann asked for a top 20 breakdown of vehicles around schools issued parking tickets, the top two were Ardleigh Green at 58 and St Edwards (although it does not make clear if this is primary or senior) was at 50. However the average was less than 10 tickets in 9 months outside the rest of the schools. Not one school in the North Romford area was on the list.

Cllr Mann Said “This is just another example of the CCTV car being used to target motorists, the very people the car was designed to protect are being neglected, at the cars launch Councillors were told it was going to be used outside schools, but this is not the case, I feel Cllr Barry Tebbutt (The Cabinet Member) has a lot of explaining to do”.

He went on “Lets not forget that Cllr Tebbutt also told us the CCTV car would only issue 2200 tickets in a year, yet it done that in its first month of operation and at 21,000 tickets in 9 months it is well on its way to issuing 25,000 in a full year, which should bring in approx £1.7m if the sums are correct”.

The Residents Association successfully called for the Environment Overview & Scrutiny Committee to launch a review of the cars policy, this will then allow local residents to air their views and for the Cabinet to realise that they are using this car as a revenue income stream and not indeed improving road safety issues.

Question: The Breakdown of the Question is as follows.

Can you tell me how many tickets the CCTV Car has issued to vehicles parked around schools, with a breakdown of the top twenty across the Borough ?


The database in Parking Services records the road in which each PCN is issued, but does not distinguish whether a ticket is issued in conjunction with enforcement around schools during the ‘school run’ period, or general enforcement at other times. However, records maintained by the parking attendants indicate that a total of 586 PCN’s have been issued, the top 20 schools being as follows;

Ardleigh Green 58
St. Edwards 50
St. Ursulas 35
Brady 25
Rainham Primary 18
Branfill 17
Brooklands 17
Crowlands 15
Chaffords 14
Gaynes 13
Dame Tipping 12
Mawney 11
St. Marys 10
St. Patricks 9
Nelmes 7
Engayne 7
Parklands 7
Whybridge 7
Harold Wood 7
Hilldene 7

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