Pinewood Primary School Governor, Cllr Andrew Mann was in attendance at the school on Thursday for their annual Christmas presentation. He joined the hundred plus parents and visitors to watch not one but two shows, however before that the School Choir entertained the guests as they arrived and took their seats, with a fine selection of Christmas carols and songs.
First up was the infant school, with the traditional nativity story, we had Mary, Joseph, Angels, Kings, sheep and chickens !! As expected with the younger children, there is always one or two that will go “off message”, the most amusing had to be the scene when Baby Jesus was delivered to Mary by and Angel; she then passed him to Joseph, who promptly threw him into his cot head first.
Next up was the Upper School, with a truly moving story entitled “Miracle at Christmas” but this was no ordinary Christmas tale. It goes back some 90 years ago, to Christmas Day in a field in France.
The Children told a moving story of how two sides came together on a special day and put aside their differences for a few days and stopped fighting. In this special year, 90 years since the end of World War One, using narrators and songs, it was a wonderful story, which the children all seemed to understand.
Cllr Mann said “As a School Governor at Pinewood, I was extremely proud of the children that put together such a fantastic afternoon for their parents, family and guests; everyone should rightly feel proud of the children’s achievement”.
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