The whole meeting to be honest was a joke; the Conservative Members (there were four of them) attempted to kick the whole thing into the long grass and refused to discuss it, by suggesting that they need a report on the subject first, what nonsense, you hardly need a report as the thing has been in the press almost on a weekly basis for months now.
It was a shame that the Chairman (Tory, Cllr Binion) refused to allow any member of the public to speak, I know they are not allowed unless the Chairman allows them, however I think there would have been no harm in letting a few people speak.
Myself and Cllr Ray Morgon (R.A Cllr for Hacton ward) attempted to move the discussion on and were eventually successful in getting the committee to agree to our motion to review the CCTV smart car, however as of yet, we have not agreed the reviews groups make-up or its terms of reference. Just as soon as more is known on this issue, we will post it on the web site.
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