Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Police crack-down on Halloween troubls

We are only a few days away from the 31st October, which means its Halloween, so we thought we would offer a dew words of advice to those at home and who do not wish to have kids pestering them.

Most of the children that do trick or treat are well behaved and out with the parents or an older brother or sister at a safe distance, often the children have taken the time to make there own costumes for the nights fun.

What is not fun, is a small minority of children that feel it is funny to throw eggs and flour or other object at people houses, in particular the elderly or frail within our community, if you know someone who may be at home on there own tonight, give them a call and make sure they are o.k, or even invite them round to your own house.

Local shops in Collier Row will not be selling eggs or flour to minors during the coming week, the Police have the powers to seach and arrest anyone during this time if found carrying eggs or flour.

If you have any serious concerns about anti social behaviour tonight, then phone the Police, either the SNT in Mawneys ward, on 0208 721 2586 or the Havering Park team on 0208 721 2510. If the matter is serious, then always dial 999.

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