Friday, May 11, 2007

Friends of King Georges Quiz Night

I have been a little behind with my posts over the last 2 weeks, so most apologise for the delay in reporting on what i have been up to. Two weeks ago, i joined Karen & Graham Price (From our Mawneys team) and Cllr Ray Morgon and our family and friends to attend a Quiz Night in aid of the Friends of King Georges Playing Fields.

It was a great night, with over 50 local people present to raise funds for this wonderful organisation that has put the improvement of the park t the top of the local agenda. Well, we did not come last, that's all i can say, there was some debate on when we should play our joker, if we had played it on "Sport" we would have come forth, however due to our choices on the night, we came fifth and no, before you all wonder, there was more than five teams, i think there was ten.

Well done to Linda Trew and her team for putting it all together. Graham Price presented Linda with a framed photo highlighting some of the work that has been achieved.

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