Included in a series of budget amendments set out by the Residents' Association was a proposed budget saving of £50,000 to be achieved by reducing the current distribution of 'Living' from 10 issues a year down to 5.
However, the Conservative Administration propose to increase the distribution of ‘Living' to every two weeks, or 24 issues a year.
But what do residents think? We have launched our own on-line poll to measure the mood of the borough. The poll asks:
"The Council plan to increase distribution of the 'LIVING' newspaper to fortnightly, but what do you think? Should 'LIVING' be distributed"
- Every month
- Every other month
- Every two weeks
- Not at all
Cllr Andrew Mann (Havering Park, RA) said: “We are not against the publication of ‘Living' but would rationalise its distribution down to 5 a year. We consider that a reasonable number and, at the same time, make a modest saving.
“However, the decision to increase distribution to every two weeks is not something we agree with and do not believe the residents of Havering will agree with.
“The best way to measure support for this proposal is to ask the people what they think, hence we are running a poll in which residents can vote and we shall await the outcome with considerable interest”.
Log on to to cast your vote.