Saturday 26 June will mark the second annual Armed Forces Day. In Havering the day will be celebrated with an Armed Forces Parade followed by a Uniformed Youth Festival.
The parade will take place through Romford Town Centre, beginning at 11am on South Street, going through the Market before ending at Tollgate House. The parade will be led by the Romford Drum and Trumpet Corp.
The parade will take place through Romford Town Centre, beginning at 11am on South Street, going through the Market before ending at Tollgate House. The parade will be led by the Romford Drum and Trumpet Corp.
This is an excellent opportunity for the people of Havering to show their support for our Armed Forces - past, present and future.
If you are a veteran or represent a veterans' organisation and would like to be involved in the parade, please contact Mike Thomas on 01708 432427 or by e-mail at
Not sure if you're a veteran? A veteran is somebody who has served at any point in their life in any branch of the Armed Forces for any length of time. You do not have to have seen combat to be classed as a veteran. Veterans also include Bevin Boys and Lumberjills.
A collection for the Help for Heroes appeal will take place in the Market during the day.
Please note that there will be limited access to pay and display parking at the Town Hall during the day. If you wish to park at the Town Hall, you should enter from the Park End Road entrance.
As part of Havering's Armed Forces Day celebrations, the UProject will be running a Uniformed Youth Festival to celebrate cadets and other uniformed youth groups in the Borough.
The event will take place on Saturday 26 June at Romford Town Hall, 1.30pm to 4pm.
Uniformed youth organisations from Havering will have information stalls where potential recruits can find out about all the different training and activities each group offers.
This is also an excellent opportunity to find out information about becoming an adult volunteer with one of the groups.